Wednesday 17 December 2014

Premiere Screening of The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies (2014)


The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies brings to an epic conclusion the adventures of Bilbo Baggins, Thorin Oakenshield and the Company of Dwarves. Having reclaimed their homeland from the Dragon Smaug, the Company has unwittingly unleashed a deadly force into the world. Enraged, Smaug rains his fiery wrath down upon the defenseless men, women and children of Lake-town. Obsessed above all else with his reclaimed treasure, Thorin sacrifices friendship and honor tohoard it as Bilbo's frantic attempts to make him see reason drive the Hobbit towards a desperate and dangerous choice. But there are even greater dangers ahead. Unseen by any but the Wizard Gandalf, the great enemy Sauron has sent forth legions of Orcs in a stealth attack upon the Lonely Mountain. As darkness converges on their escalating conflict, the races of Dwarves, Elves and Men must decide - unite or be destroyed. Bilbo finds himself fighting for his life and the lives of his friends in the epic Battle of the Five Armies, as the future of Middle-earth hangs in the balance.

The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies presents the story prior to The Lord of the Rings and makes a very clear connection between the two stories. The ending especially of this story is a great cinematographic effort. 

If you had doubts about the other two previous instalments, The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies provides most of the answers. Although the storyline is pretty tight and serious it does carry some light moments of humour. 

Kili’s death and the scene of Tauriel holding his body is such an emotional. And the way Saruman strongly saying that there will be another encounter with Sauron will give you goosebumps. Also the scenes of Bilbo trying to hide the truth about the ring is pretty funny as we have already know what happened in The Lord of the Rings trilogy. 

Bilbo, Gandalf, Legolas, Tauriel, Thorin, Bard the Bowman to the smallest character are given a moment to shine, so the whole movie is so full of life and colour.
Make sure you will catch up with this amazing movie experience of a life time. Guaranteed you will have a remarkable time.

 Thank you so much Nuffnang. Thanks for the opportunity to catch up The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies (3D) premiere screening at the IMAX one Utama.

Director : Peter Jackson

Starring : Martin Freeman, Ian McKellen, Richard Armitage, Luke Evans, Orlando Bloom, Evangeline Lilly, Aidan Turner, Cate Blanchett, Christopher Lee, Lee Pace

Genre:  Action and Adventure, Fantasy

Running Time : 144 minutes

Rating: 9/10 

Premiere Location : IMAX TGV, One Utama
16th of December 2014

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